Group Movement Classes

Inclusive Spin

Whether you are new to spinning, have been spinning for years, or are a cyclist needing to cross train during the cooler months, inclusive spin is created for ALL levels of spinners. During this 45 minute class, your instructor will lead you through a unique playlist of songs that help you tune into yourself and listen to what your body is telling you. We teach out classes using perceived exertion rather than with standard resistance/rpm structure so that this allows anyone to come into class and support their bodies in what they are needing that day. For many of us, cardio was used as punishment or to manipulate our bodies to look a certain way. We are actively looking to shift that perspective to a lens of support and empowerment.

*Size Inclusion Statement* We have done much research in making sure that the equipment we purchase for our studio is inclusive for ALL bodies. Unfortunately, as it is well known and very much needs to change, we were unable to purchase stationary bikes that were able to go above a weight range of 350lbs. This is deeply upsetting and we will continue to search for better alternatives as to not isolate anyone who is looking for this service. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We want to hear from you and support everyone to feel seen and heard in this fatphobic world.

**Our clips are SPD clips. Please bring a pair of sneakers in case the tight clips give any issues!)

Inclusive Strength

Incorporating strength, either through body weight movements or using equipment, we will create an empowering, supportive circuit style class that focuses on overall, full body connection. We feel it is equally as important to introduce mobilization of our joints as well as strengthening of our foundational, support muscles. We create the profiles to shift our awareness of how we validate what strength traditionally means in the fitness industry by encouraging modifications and focus on what our bodies can do, rather than how much we can lift or how much we sweat. This class is perfect for ALL levels and ALL bodies and because it is a circuit, bring a buddy and you can go through each station together!


The barre movement method consists of a combination of Pilates, ballet, and yoga, specifically engaging the smaller muscles in our bodies. Our low impact barre class is designed to embrace all bodies and all genders. We use mini and isometric movements with light weights and high repetitions, which activates small muscles, strengthens the pelvic floor, improves balance, and ultimately helps you move more functionally in your daily life.

Class structure:

  • Warmup with arm focus

  • Leg and balance focus

  • Core and pelvic floor focus

  • Deep stretching

Reclaiming Cardio

There are a plethora of benefits to aerobic exercise, including bolstering mental and physical health, boosting the immune system, and improving balance and stamina. Reclaiming Cardio will help you with all of these AND will provide you a space to move in a joyful way. We will keep the heart rate at an elevated but moderate range, focusing on endurance versus high intensity training. Because we all have different needs and abilities, we will provide many options for each exercise so that you leave the class feeling energetic and empowered.

Class structure:

30 second intervals with 10 seconds rest in between

Breaks will be given during the class

Inclusive TRX

Come join us for this 45 minute body weight, low impact strength class using suspension straps to help you mobilize your joints, strengthen your supportive muscle groups, and explore different ways to move your body. This class is designed for ALL levels and abilities. Each class is designed to meet you where you are and to listen to the cues your body is telling you, without judgement or punishment. Trying a new class can be really hard for so many reasons, but we will help guide you each step of the way. Modifications are a must as all bodies are not the same!


Boxing is a unique class format that combines authentic boxing training while adding other elements of conditioning and strength in a fun, structured class. Classes will include boxing form and footwork and strength training through dumbbells and body weight and the opportunity to work on the heavy bag. Build strength, mobility, agility and confidence. This is non-contact, suitable and able to be modified for all abilities.

Gentle Flow Yoga w/ Angelica

Embracing a slower pace, this class focuses on fluid movements and mindful stretches, inviting you to sync movement with the rhythm of your breath in order to cultivate a sense of ease within. Here, it's always your body, your practice, and your choice. Join us to unwind, rejuvenate, and reconnect with your inherent wholeness.

TRX Flow

Flow fuses the mechanics of suspension training with the mind-body integration of breathwork, alignment, and dynamic balance of movement and flexibility that comes from a power yoga practice. Similar to vinyasa yoga, Flow uses the suspension trainer as a helping hand to make you feel safe to explore a deeper stretch, try new poses, and advance your practice. It’s the ultimate way to push the limits of your abilities and discover strength from the inside out.

Spin and Strength

Spin and Strength is a fun, hour long class that is focused on spending time off and on the bike, rotating back and forth between spinning and strength movements. Sneakers are the best choice for footwear in the class!

If you like spinning and like strength based classes, than this is the perfect combo for you!

Lights Out Spin

During this ride, we turn all the lights out and crank the music to drown out the distractions of everyday life and focus in on yourself, your connection with the bike, and the beat of the music. This unorthodox 45 minute ride is intended to engage you mindfully with your workout, pushing you to your limits and challenging you physically and mentally. We will lead you through an intense, yet introspective, guided meditation from beginning to end, drawing on abstract themes—overcoming fear, channeling inner power, stepping into acceptance, self-celebration, and breaking through stagnation—all while you ride to a diverse playlist, specially crafted for each class. No matter your fitness level, this class will leave you with a sense of capability, introspection, and an understanding of movement as a practice in mindfulness, an opportunity to be fully present in mind, body, and spirit.

Strength and Balance Circuit

Balance is essential at any age of our lives. We are unknowingly balancing when we walk, climb stairs, squat, and much more. What we don't tend to notice until much later, is how much our balance changes as we live our lives. This affects everyone!

If you have been feeling more off balance and want to find ways to support your joints, this class is for you.

Stretch and Mobility

Need time to stretch and mobilize your joints? Feeling stiff and sore from daily activities?

Come to this 45 minute stretch and mobility class that is focused on helping you listen to your body navigate what it is needing. Whether your hips are tight or your low back is singing or your shoulders/neck is crunchy, learning how to stretch and mobilize your body is extremely important for injury prevention.


This is an advanced, High Intensity Interval Training spin class. This class is created to teach your heart to recover from high spikes in cardio through either speed or resistance increases.