When you think of the fitness and wellness industry, you may think of weight loss, nutritional guidance, lifting weights, and fucking burpees (gross). You may also be feeling attacked by the fitness and wellness field because it is truthfully a douchebag. It’s like a toxic ex who keeps gaslighting you into feeling like they’ll change but then ends up blaming you for the downfalls. Honestly, I am working on not feeling ashamed when saying I am a personal trainer because I do not like feeling like I’m clumped in that field. Because the fitness and wellness industry is in large part just another way that diet culture has tried to control our bodies and minds into believing it is for our betterment. That it is a “lifestyle change” and if you just follow all of these rules, you will have your dream body.

And you know what I have to say about that? SCREW THAT!

We have lived in a society that has profited off of every one of us that hates our bodies. Every diet, cookbook/nutrition program, TV show, exercise guide, magazine, and tabloid. It’s all meant to make us feel like there is something wrong with the way that we look and that we need to change to fit into the very small box that society deems worthy of love. A box that is impossible to fit into. 

For all of us who have exercised until we couldn’t move the next day, stopped eating certain food groups because they have been demonized, have been told by ill-trained doctors that our size is indicative of health problems, that weight loss is the only true way to be happy again, you are not alone. When study after study is coming out that proves that diets do not work and are actually putting our bodies into shutdown, survival modes, when do we finally put a stop to it? When millions of dollars are being poured into the “wellness” field (aka just a cover-up for diets) and diet aids are put onto shelves/media, when do we stop spending money on ways to “fix” our bodies and start investing in ways to begin to heal our relationships with our bodies?

That, right there, is exactly why I started my own personal training company. Because I never want someone to feel like they are alone. To feel like they do not have value because they have been taught to hate their growing bodies. To be afraid to eat foods that we need to nourish our bodies and minds with in order to live. Living in a society that finds it easier to control us because we are neglecting our minds and bodies based on rules diet culture has created, my vision is to help us feel reconnected to our bodies to fight diet culture’s grasp it had on us and take back our lives once again. Life’s too short to worry about how much space my body takes up in this world.

As a body trust trainer, I have created My Health Matters Fitness to be a safe space for all to regain or enhance their power mentally, physically, and emotionally. We prioritize trauma-informed coaching practices to promote weight-neutral health, emphasizing a shift away from diet culture. I have teamed up with amazing, anti-diet culture businesses and added amazing trainers/group movement instructors to my team to make sure that you are well supported during this journey of taking back your life. 


Who is My Health Matters Fitness and Wellness LLC?

Client Testimonials

Working with Britt has transformed my relationship with strength and movement. While I have worked with many personal trainers in the past, none have been as intuitive and skilled as Britt. As someone who has had a very toxic relationship with body image and movement, finding a "safe" trainer that would not recommend or support weight loss was imperative. Britt is fully a weight-neutral and fat-positive trainer, rooted in Health at Every Size and social justice. There is NO talk of weight loss and our work together has greatly contributed to increased body acceptance and a better relationship to movement. I recommend Britt to everyone I know- she is one of a kind and life changing!

- Amanda M

It's not easy to trust others with the care of my postpartum body. As many of us live our lives being told that others know best about our health, only to find out that bodies like mine are pathologized based on unquestioned biases about "obesity" and a general disinterest in bodies with uteruses, I'm always nervous that I'm going to be hurt or disappointed by practitioners that usually have the best intentions. I have deeply appreciated Britt's approach to supporting my postpartum health journey. She supports me to listen to my body, to appreciate my body, to move my body in ways that feel generative and life-affirming. She knows the tape playing in my head that wants to punish me for "never doing enough" and she is skilled at offering counter-narratives... "you're doing it" and "you're on the right track" and "I'm so proud of you". I'm so grateful to get to work with her on getting my body to a place where I can play with my toddler and delight in this one precious life with less pain and more conscious embodiment.

— Safire D

I began working with Brittany after I had a rather bad skiing accident in my early 50s that put me in a wheelchair for several months. As I recovered and shifted away from physical therapy, I really wanted to get back to hiking and cycling (skiing, not so much!). She expertly created a program that helped me regain my range of motion, balance, and strength. I am now able to hike up Skinner Mountain and cycle in Hilltowns of Western Massachusetts. I especially appreciate her attention to form and ability to set goals that are obtainable without a lot of pressure. She has my best interests at heart and our work together has become a central part of my ability to manage the live stresses that come my way, especially in these unsettled times.

— Meg G


We, at My Heath Matters Fitness, recognize that we have privilege in our society. The work we do as personal trainers and group movement instructors can be incredibly triggering for marginalized communities of people who have repeatedly been discriminated against and ostracized by the fitness industry. We do not, and should never, speak on behalf of those who are affected by the fitness industry, but rather, will always strive to amplify the voices and provide resources of those who are repeatedly doing the work to deconstruct this toxic environment. We stand with you in this fight and will do our part to ensure you are represented in our company. Our work as trainers/instructors does not replace the need for a team of professionals to assist you on your journey as we will always stay within our scope of practice and guide you to those who can support where needed.

Your weight does not determine your health.